The last month or so has been brutal.
-Ellie has been sleep for shit the last few weeks. Two nights last week she was up from 9:30 to 1:30, not cool. In the past we were able to just lay her down at night and she would go to sleep on her own. Not anymore. Now I have to hold her til she falls asleep, I know I shouldn't but some times you do what you gotta do.
-Even if Ellie is sleeping, I am awake for hours
every night. Just can't sleep, until 20 minutes before my alarm goes off.
- Why is it if you go a few nights without sleep couples must fight???
- Ellie had some viral thing with an awesome fever.
- The following week Maddie has a double ear infection and pink eye.
-The week after that I had to leave work early to pick up Owen because he had a fever.
-Bud and I can't get sick because we need all our days for the kids.
-Ha Ha...
- The quarter ends next week and I have piles of grading to do before then.
- People in my department have been talking behind my back about me doing a shitty job this year. Which I have, so I need to get my self together.
-My license is expired, to renew I have to get all these documents together. So I need to order a marriage license from my first marriage I really tried to block it out, now I have to pay money for documentation. Fuck