Friday, May 15, 2009

Hot Potato

The whole third child thing is going well. Ellie is a great eater, she would nurse all the live long day if we let her. She is also a prolific pooper, like her brother and sister before her. And she generally sleeps pretty well. So the baby part is good, I am recovering pretty well. Until today.

I have a habit of getting stupid injuries, and I think today is a perfect example. I was heating up my lunch in microwave. When I took it out the juice from the pot roast splashed me, burning my hands. I hurried up and set it down so I could put my hands under cold water. Then I noticed my foot was also burning, somehow one of the potatoes escaped the plate, landed on the floor and I stepped on the searingly hot potato. Which was stuck between my toes. So I hoisted my foot up to the sink, while being cautious of the ho-ha stitches. I have been sitting with an ice pack for a few hours now, and the toes seem pretty burnt.

Bud was shocked that I managed to hurt myself in the 5 minutes he was in the shower. But he has not once but twice been hit by cars, so he has no room to judge.


Mary O said...

I'm glad to hear that it's going well with the third baby! I will be in the same boat here pretty soon. Sorry about the injuries. Sound like something I would do too! =)

melissa said...

Aptly titled!