Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May Madness

Whew, we are finally done with the birthdays. I'm sure next year will be great with three kids birthdays in 3 weeks. I think considering I gave birth this month that everything went well.

Owen doesn't like cake (????) so he wanted an ice cream cake, and he also wanted pizza. His party was a breeze, other than finding something to wear 5 days after giving birth. He had another dinosaur birthday, his third dino party in six years. At least he is consistent.

Maddie wanted Tinkerbell, which was a lot of fun. I had fun making her cake, it turned out better than I expected, but the pictures didn't really turn out so well.

I made the mushrooms from meringue, they turned out really well. And they were super tasty. I lost the candle that I bought for the cake, luckily Bud bought her a small Tinkerbell doll for her birthday, so I used that instead. Here is a close up of some of the mushrooms.

I can't wait to see what cakes I need to come up with for next year.

What kind of party will this one want?


Swistle said...

OMG, I thought you were going to say those were REAL MUSHROOMS. I can't believe they're meringue! You are a MERINGUE GENIUS!!! (I totally had to look up how to spell meringue.)

Mary O said...

Wow! I am super impressed with the cake! Like Swistle, I totally thought they were real mushrooms.

Lippy said...

Funny because I totally had to look up the spelling for Meringue when I was looking for a recipe.