Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The stupid things I do.

I haven't been around the internet for awhile. We have been busy having dinner with friends and keeping the kids entertained. We leave for PA next week for TEN days. I am nervous about the flight with the kids. We are staying at an aunt's house while she is out of town so that will be nice.

We will be going to for my sister-in-law's wedding. Bud is giving his sister away, and the girls will be walking down the aisle at some point. I still haven't found a dress to wear, I really have nothing to wear. I have a backup dress I saw at JC Penney that I can get in a pinch. My MIL keeps saying it is low key, but I just found out yesterday the yellow dress shirt I had for Owen won't work, it needs to be white. He isn't even in the wedding, he is a guest for the love of Pete. I'm not even asking about his pants, I am sure they will be wrong, but too bad.

The best part is our gift. Remember me talking about taking a quilting class?? Well, hey if you have never really made a whole quilt from start to finish, the best thing is to make your first one a wedding gift. I'm not even using a pattern, so I am just making it up as I go. I found some quilts I looked for on the internet, and just copied them but I had to guess at yardage on material. I am now busting my butt trying to finish before we leave. It has woken me up at night trying to figure out the best way to make the whole thing.

So I will be spending many hours over the sewing machine this week. I really want it to look nice for her. I think we should get a back up gift, just in case. Also, maybe we should give her money to supplement the gift. Gahhh


Swistle said...

The idea of a handmade quilt as a wedding gift makes me all starry-eyed. If its not quite done, you could send it later, with the excuse that you wanted to send it directly to their house and not make them lug it home from the wedding or whatevs.

Joanne said...

I would not worry about not having it ready for the wedding. You can send it after, and maybe just write a note about it, or have a little picture. I am just now thinking of the date, this has probably passed. Ha, I am useful and timely as always!